


The House of Representatives has issued a directive to the NCC, demanding the immediate shutdown of all pornographic websites across the Nigeria.

The House has requested that the Commission mandate all internet service providers to immediately restrict access to such content.

Dalhatu Tafoki, a lawmaker from Katsina State sponsored the motion today in the house.

The motion concerned deeply that some of the immediate effects of viewing pornographic contents include:
causing deception in marriage and which may later on, affect family life;

promoting adultery, prostitution and many unreal expectations that can result in dangerous promiscuous behavior;

leading to addiction, escalation, desensitization and acting out sexually by one person;

change of attitude towards oneself and his family;

Motion Prayers:
(i) urge the Nigeria Communications Commission (NCC) to direct Internet Service Providers (SPs) operating in the country to take immediate steps to block all websites that host obscene and pornographic contents;

(ii) also urge the Nigeria Communications Commission (NCC) to apply the full rigours of the Nigerian Communications Act and the National Information Technology Development Act against defaulting Internet Service Providers (ISPs); and

(iii) mandate the Committees on Communications and Legislative Compliance to ensure the implementation and report within four (4) weeks for further legislative action.







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