Oyo Truth is an independent online news platform/medium reporting up-to-date events, happenings and activities related to Oyo State, Nigeria.

‎This news medium is set up to report with the highest objectivity stories as related to Oyo State.

For further enquiries, please send us an email at info@oyotruth.com or editor@oyotruth.com. You may also click here to reach us



The content of the site is solely to inform, steer up civic discussions, educate and entertain the general public only. However, some of the content may reflect the personal opinions of the posters/writers.



  • Prompt and up-to-date information available for users.
  • Easily accessible platform for awareness of the residents of Oyo State.
  • A news medium where users will access unbiased information and reports of the happenings and activities around Oyo State.