


This isn’t partisanship or the support of a particular party as evidently expressed in the voting patterns of students in congested voting centers in the just concluded presidential election.

Every well meaning and honourable person should understand that the honourable reaction and response to actions that meet our earnest demands, is to appreciate. Our cultural courtesy demands it, even if it were demands of things that belong to us; at least we still appreciate those who help us manage our companies(resources) even though we are the owners.


Also, the election of Governors isn’t a mere rotation or a needless cycle of selection of leaders(managers) every four years.

Isn’t it competency and the will of the people at heart that we crave for? Shouldn’t that be the only clause to the termination of the Manager’s appointment(election) aside the expiration of the opportune contract time. And as legally allowed, a Governor has the opportunity to serve for 8 years, hence it’s needless to sack a well performing coach(Governor) except his terms of contract has expired.

If a “Manager”(Governor) of the State has been up to per, then he should be reelected by those who are beneficiaries of his performance; only political partisans should think otherwise. Hence it is contradictory as non-partisans to want a change of a performing manager when he still has the opportunity to keep performing.

This is therefore a call to keep our future safe and ensure the stability of the institution FOR AS LONG AS WE CAN, which seemingly poses us a possibility of at least 8 years.

This is to think as non-partisan persons, and the call to honourable response of students as non-partisans whose existence were rather impacted by a performing manager(Governor).

Or what should be the response of students who got freed from non-performing, indifferent and nonchalant managers after years of delay of existence?

If not for anything as students, we have a reliable hope of not encountering further peculiar delays in our years of learning since the Take Over and Sole Ownership of the institution by a State, which was the greatest bane and source of many setbacks that bedeviled the institution, resolved by the current Visitor(manager of one of the State’s institution) to the institution.

Apparently, Governor Seyi Makinde wrought the most essential miracle on LAUTECH and set the institution in the path of continued greatness and excellence. Hence, this call to extend the possibility of building on the foundations he has laid.

We can only be sure of someone who has proven himself by delivering, not some unnecessary and needless trials, LAUTECH students therefore rise beyond partisanship and cries for continuity of a stable academic calendar by endorsing and supporting the reelection of the Visitor who made it so; Engr. Seyi Makinde.

A bird in hand is worth two in the bush.




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