


The issue of parenting in the society overtime, is gradually becoming a menace in the society.

Parenting is the process of raising children and providing them with protection and care in other to ensure their healthy development into adulthood.

Parenting goes beyond providing, it also entails the ability to groom children into responsible beings that would add to the growth of that society and refrain from causing anarchy in the environment they find themselves.

In the olden day, parenting was solely allocated to individuals who are legally married or have grown and attained certain growth, not just physically, mentally and economically but as time advances, parenting is advancing to individuals who accidentally gets a child and many of them cannot even fend for themselves.

This article unveils the reasons why we have accidental parents and the role social media has played in grooming of bad parents in the society.

These can be attributed to lots of factors.

Recklessness of the individual: In a society where sex is no longer a sacred act but now a regular act, individuals accidentally become parents and their young offspring are left to bear the brunt of their parents mistakes.

Morals of the society: Morals are the principles that guides and checkmates the activities of the society. Today in the society, the morals that guides the society has dropped, giving rise to more activities that are injurious to people and the society at large.

Poverty: Most parents are born and bred in a poor home, and in a bid to meet ends needs, the wants of their children are neglected and money is placed over morals and well-being of their children.

How has social media influenced bad parenting in the society.

The advent of social media in the society has posed as an existing problem in the society, as it has given rise to irresponsible individuals posing as parents in the society.

Social media can impact parenting negatively in several ways.

it can contribute to distraction from meaningful parent-child interactions and create opportunities for cyberbullying and online safety concerns for children.

Unrealistic Comparisons: Parents may feel pressured to compare their lives and parenting styles to what they see on social media, leading to feelings of inadequacy or insecurity if they perceive themselves as falling short.

Excessive Screen Time: Both parents and children can become engrossed in social media, leading to reduced face-to-face interaction and quality time spent together. This can hinder bonding and communication within the family.

Pressure to Portray Perfection: Social media often showcases highlight reels of people’s lives, leading parents to feel pressured to present an idealized version of their family. This can create a disconnect between reality and perception, adding stress to parenting.

Distraction from Parenting: Constant engagement with social media can distract parents from being fully present with their children, impacting their ability to respond to their needs and provide meaningful interactions.

Cyberbullying and Online Safety Concerns: Children are increasingly exposed to social media from a young age, which can make them vulnerable to cyberbullying, online predators, and exposure to inappropriate content. Parents may struggle to monitor and regulate their children’s online activities effectively.

Overall, while social media offers many benefits, it’s essential for parents to be mindful of its potential negative impacts and strive for a healthy balance between online and offline interactions within the family.

Morals of the society.

As time changes the existing principles that governs a society changes. As these are one of the leading factors why we keep having rampaging issues of irresponsible parents in the society.

The morals surrounding parenting in society vary depending on cultural, social, and individual values. However, some common moral principles include:

Responsibility: Society generally expects parents to take responsibility for the well-being, upbringing, and development of their children. This includes providing for their physical, emotional, and educational needs.

Nurturing: Parents are expected to create a nurturing and supportive environment for their children, promoting their growth, self-esteem, and resilience.

Education: There is a moral expectation for parents to prioritize their children’s education and instill values such as curiosity, critical thinking, and respect for knowledge.

Respect: Parents are expected to model and teach respect for oneself and others, including diversity, empathy, and tolerance.

Discipline: Society generally supports the idea of parents providing appropriate discipline to teach children right from wrong, with an emphasis on positive reinforcement and constructive guidance rather than punishment.

Protection: Parents are morally obligated to protect their children from harm, both physical and emotional, and to create a safe and secure environment for them to thrive.

Empowerment: There is growing emphasis on empowering children to express themselves, make choices, and develop independence within a supportive framework provided by their parents.

These moral principles form the foundation of societal expectations regarding parenting and serve as a guide for parents as they navigate the complexities of raising children in today’s world.





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