


Seyi Makinde has proven to us that Government should be done for the profiting of the masses and not the privileged. He has shown himself to be an exemplary leader who from the onset has the interest of the masses in heart. He saw how the past administrations in government of Oyo State have not taken the interest of the people at heart,and seeing the problem of the masses he came with clear solutions to solve the problems and resolve the burning issues that have tarried in the heart of Oyo State citizens.
In his administration, he proves himself not to be one of the talk and talk political leaders who ignite the appetite of the masses with their promises only to leave them to die of thirst as they refuse to fulfil their promises.
Seyi Makinde in his clear goals for the State in 2019, which he called “The Oyo State Roadmap for Accelerated Development ,2019-2023”. Made promises and goals that are geared towards the interest of the masses. Most of these promises and goals were achieved during his administration, some are still ongoing, and some he will do if reelected as the Governor of Oyo State the second time. This is why people of Oyo State are rooting out for Seyi Makinde the second time, seeing that they have tasted the wealth of sweetness and they cannot afford to settle for less.
Makinde knows that an investment in knowledge pays the best interest, and every child deserves to be educated. He has made access to quality education in Oyo State easier from primary to tertiary institutions by constructing new schools, renovated classrooms making the school environment conducive for learning for both teachers and students, removed level fee from government school, payment of teachers and lecturers salary and entitlements among many others.
Makinde also made workers welfarism as a paramount interest in his administration, seeing how he paid back payment of salary the past administration own the Oyo State Workers and Pensioners, consistent payment of salary at the right time, and payment of 13 months salary to all Workers and Pensioners and many others.

It is no longer news that Makinde prioritised growing the economy of Oyo State to move the people from poverty to prosperity, using different means to improve all sectors in the State by increasing investment opportunities in Oyo State, making roads network to aid movement of people and good so as to enhance economic development in the State etc.
We can not deny that the result is not far-fetched seeing Oyo State IGR increased to 15 billion in the first 2 years of his administration without tax raises.
What Seyi Makinde administration has done in other sectors of the government like Security, Health among many others cannot be overemphasised, indeed he is a Governor that has the interest of the people at heart.
Seeing what Governor Seyi Makinde has done in Oyo State in favour of the masses, we can boldly say, this present government in Oyo State is not a government of the rich, the well-connected, and the powerful. It is for the masses. It is a government that represents all of us, not just the privileged few. It is a government that is responsive to our needs, not the needs of the powerful. It is a government that works for us, not against us. It is a government that is of the people, by the people, and for the people.
Seyi Makinde will forever be remembered in Oyo State governance as the people’s governor, who cares for the needs of the all citizen of the State.



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